I have around 40 days until surgery and I can't wait! Even though I am extremely nervous about the whole thing, I just can't wait to get it over with and be done with dealing with this!!! Right now I'm playing the waiting game. I have good days and bad days. Most lately are bad. I don't know if it is just nerves or I am doing to much on my hip. I tend to clean, shop, etc. when I'm nervous.
I am extremely lucky to have family and friends that are so supportive throughout this entire thing. They are all SO supportive that there are times where I have turn them away. I have had to not let them go to a doctors appointment with me or tell them that someone else is handling it because so many of them offered to help. I really appreciate everyone around me. I think that is what is getting me through all this. Most of the time I can ignore how much pain I am in and enjoy what I am doing, however, there are times where it really gets in the way. That is when I am able to turn to the people around me for support.
I know everyone is not as lucky to have such a supportive surrounding. What I also have found extremely supportive is if you join a support group online such as Hip Chicks (http://hipchicksunite.ning.com/). Here you can talk to everyone on the website that has gone through or is going through the same thing as you. You can get advice and share advice. The entire website is wonderful and has helped me tremendously.
As the date draws closer and closer, I get more and more nervous. Soon I will start giving my own blood to the red cross to save for my surgery (4 units!!!). When that starts, I know that everything will become very real. Right now it seems so distant and unreal. I am excited for recovery and to be able to learn so much from this experience. I am going into Occupational Therapy and I know this is really going to help me become a better therapist in the future.
My best advice to anyone else going through this, is to stay positive and make sure you have support. This is something that you can't do alone and there are so many resources out there to help.
One of the first things that you will learn in OT school is that you have to try to emphasize with your clients. After going through this, you will be able to really emphasize with your clients and recommend things to them based on your OWN experience. Not many OT's can do that! You have been so strong and positive through this whole experience and I know those qualities will get you through your surgery and recovery! Also, Zeke has volunteered himself to be your therapy dog while you are recovering! :)