Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Learning to Walk Again...

I thought I would start out this post with a quote by Abraham Lincoln:

"I walk slowly, but I never walk backward."

I think this quote is pretty appropriate considering the fact that I went to the surgeon today and officially am FULL WEIGHT BEARING! Yeah that's right, I can walk!!!! Obviously, I am still using crutches and strengthening my muscles. However, this means that I am in the next stage of my recovery. The stage where I progress to lose my crutches and start on a cane! I can't wait! 

I think that I really need to be careful during this point in recovery because this is the time where I can push it too far and hurt myself. I need to be conscious of everything that is going on. 

Here some pictures of me taking my FIRST STEPS!!!
I'm putting weight on my leg for the first time! Yay!

 "He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying." -Friedrich Nietzsche
Bye bye crutches! (just kidding...still need them for now)
My other hip chick also turned 15 years old this week! 

We celebrated my first steps and her 15th birthday together <3 

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